GWR wagons absorbed into BR

Members Forum RTR Conversions Rollling Stock GWR wagons absorbed into BR

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    • #240727
      Michael Davies

        I want to repaint and re-brand some GWR Iron Mink wagons into early BR livery. Does anyone know of any publications which deal with this subject or re- branding of goods stock in general?

      • #241068
        Dai Davies

          Not sure if these provide the answer, but you could try the website, books by Tourett Atkins et al. If you are on Facebook, then there are EM modellers sites, clearing house (which covers wagons) and GW modeller sites.

        • #241218
          Graham Price

            A long time after the last post – but ‘All About GWR Iron Minks’, Lewis, Lloyd, Metcalf, Miller, HMRS, has multitudinous detail including ‘condemned’ dates. It’s from 1980, so presumably available secondhand or via a library if you  can’t find one to borrow from local modelling friends. Not many iron minks survived into BR but there is a photo in the book of one in departmental service in BR livery. Probably most survivors spent their short time after 1948 in the last GW livery.



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