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  • Sat

    The Signalling Record Society will be at expoEM Summer 2022

    10.30 - 1700Kettlethorpe High School, Standbridge Lane, Sandal, Wakefield, WF2 7EL

    expoEM Summer 2022 Update

    Breaking news

    The Signalling Record Society

    The Society will be attending expoEM Summer for the first time over the weekend of 20th and 21st August 2022, in Wakefield, as a specialist society stand. The summer edition of ‘SRS News’, their newsletter/journal, states that “Layouts are usually to a high standard with correct signalling and operation usually a feature”.

    We have requested that the SRS provide a form of 'signalling clinic’, as part of their stand,  where visitors will be able to ask questions and maybe seek advice on the signalling requirements of current or projected layout plans.

    Alongside the SRS stand, EMGS Board member Karl Crowther will be ‘doing’ a Signalling demonstration, with particular reference to his new layout, the Kentside Branch.

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