Railway photo collections

Members Forum Prototype Matters Railway photo collections

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 1 month ago by Gerald Grudgings.
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    • #244788
      Alan Gee

        I would like to obtain pictures of the Ballymena and Larne 2-4-2 compound tanks that I could use in an article I am considering writing. Does any body know where the Ken Nunn photo collection is located or the Real Photographs Ltd collection. Google search just send me around in circles. Can anybody suggest any other photo collections that might help.

        kind regards

        Alan Gee

      • #244793
        Nigel Burbidge


          I seem to recall that, a year or so ago, the Ken Nunn photo collection was put up for auction and was sold piecemeal (or by lots). If memory serves me correctly, I picked that snippet up through the GERS e group.  I think the Real Photograph collection was acquired by Ian Allan at some stage and I think the Ian Allan photograph archive was passed over to the NRM when its publishing business was wound down. I’m afraid I can’t claim any of this as gospel but it does seem to be backed up by a quick search on the internet this evening.

          cheers Nigel

        • #245444
          Gerald Grudgings

            Alan, your hunt noted.

            Suggestions, but shame Ken Nunn collection did not get into the public domain, this happens time and again.

            Try the HMRS

            Try County Record Office for the area in question, its surprising what they have.

            If you know the makers of the locos, e.g. Sharp Stewart, Beyer Peacock, and see what records are around for those, again the county record office for the area of manufacture might hel

            If there is a local newspaper still running in the area of operation, ask them to put an appeal in.  This is quite event now, although used to be fairly commonplace, so would likely be done.

            I am well involved with the Narrow Gauge Railway Museum at Tywyn, which covers the entire UK & Ireland narrow gauge scene, i.e. from standard gauge to 15″.  I can enquire what material we have, know there is some on 3′ gauge Irish.

            Regards, Gerald Grudgings

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