Oxford Rail Pilchard

Members Forum RTR Conversions Rollling Stock Oxford Rail Pilchard

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    • #247373
      Keith Mackie

        HI All

        I have just joined EMGS about a month ago I have been a railway modeler off and on for many years and now I have taken the plunge, so far I have converted two locos and over a dozen wagons and all run fine, however what wheels/axels do I need to convert the oxford rail pilchard wagon.




      • #247374
        Paul Tomlinson

          Keith, Paul Bartlett’s selection of prototype photos includes a diagram giving the wheel diameter as 3′ 1 1/8″, and the photo on Hattons’ site appears to show a solid disc wheel as opposed to a 3-hole. HTH.



        • #247376
          Keith Mackie

            Hi Paul

            Thanks for getting back so quickly, am I right in saying as a newbie that the wheels on the real wagon would come out at 12mil ? I have just measured the wheels on my model and they are 9.6 mil would the society 10 mil wheels be fine…?



          • #247377
            Paul Tomlinson

              Hello Keith, at 4mm/ft, 12 mil is 3 feet, so prototypically they’re the nearest. 10 mil are, at 2’6″ ( according to Paul Bartlett’s photo ) seriously undersized – it might be to allow greater clearance on curves? I can’t advise which one to go for, I’m afraid šŸ™ – but 3′ ones are far more common, so you would stand a better chance of being able to use them on other models, as opposed to 2’6″ ones, I’d think?

            • #247378
              Keith Mackie

                Thanks Paul I will give that a try


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