High level RSH tank loco

Members Forum Kit Building Locos High level RSH tank loco

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    • #240711
      Graham Hudson

        Hello chaps,
        Progressing on my RSH loco for the planned new layout, body now built and the cab painted prior to soldering on the roof. The chassis is nearly ready for painting which I will do before fitting the wheels. Use of the Avonside jig has allowed the hornblocks and the compensation beam to be set up without having the wheels in place. The plan is to fit the Gibson wheels once only. talking of Gibson, this is a good time to contact Colin and order those bits you know will be needed soon. This is because instead of the old outgoing message telling you he will ring back, you are very likely to get through first time. Colin is very grateful for any orders as he and his good wife need the income with four major shows having been cancelled.
        Stay Healthy
        Graham Hudson

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