Converting a Hornby 06 – Who might do axles & wheels ?

Members Forum RTR Conversions Locos Converting a Hornby 06 – Who might do axles & wheels ?

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    • #240703

        O.K a very new member wishing to try a small EM project at as low a cost as possible.
        The loco I’m planning to use is an little used green Hornby 06. I have pulled the wheels out far enough to test run
        on some C&L track I have. Certainly needs a wider track and the wheels are falling off if I take out any further.

        I don’t have any engineering tools of note and although my first point works the whole project is dead if I can’t
        fix this loco. The existing wheels are pushed onto axles with splined ends, it was suggested they are 9/16″

        The planned project is a 48″ long shunting layout, something I’ve done before in ’00’

        Geoff T

      • #240951
        Stuart Firth

          A straight swap for new wheels would not be very easy as our wheel manufacturers use a 1/8″ axle, which differs from that used by most of the Ready to Run manufacturers. Conversion packs are available for a fair number of the more recent R-T-R loco’s and these have the appropriate axle diameter to match what’s in the loco but I’m not aware of such a pack for the 06. It might be easier to pick a loco for which a pack is available (see EMGS stores) and try to obtain a secondhand example. I would keep the 06 until you have the confidence to build a new chassis for it. It would make a good first attempt as it is so simple. I say all this – I’m no expert on R-T-R conversions but hopefully others will come forward.

        • #240959

            Thanks for the reply Stuart, even if it’s negative regarding a simple
            This project is therefore stalled at present – Too many other things
            on the go.


          • #240962
            Graham Price

              If the 06 has the traditional Hornby 0-4-0 chassis (which I think it does), the axle diameter should be 9/64″. EMGS stores have an 9/64″ EM axle turned to 2mm at the ends, and also a bush 2mm ID and 1/8″ OD. combining the two gives an axle for the 06 to which you can fit appropriate Alan Gibson wheels for a 1/8″ axle. The bushes I’ve used are a running fit, not an interference fit, on the 2mm axle end, so need to be soldered or loctited. The bushes are 3mm long, so may need to be reduced slightly (along with the axle) to fit the total width AG wheels set to 16.5mm back-to-back.. This can be done acceptably by turning the axle held in a hand-drill gripped in a vice, and using a flat file held against the axle end (lathe-owners look away).

            • #241063
              Stuart Firth

                Just to add to our knowledge I received a leaflet from Branchlines yesterday and I see that they make a chassis kit for this locomotive. Not quite what you were asking I know but as a way of getting into chassis building it would be a great starter kit.

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