Chris Pendleton Boxhead coach coupling from Dave Bradwell

Members Forum RTR Conversions Rollling Stock Chris Pendleton Boxhead coach coupling from Dave Bradwell

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    • #247779
      Michael Clifford

        Does anyone have knowledge or experience of Dave Bradwell’s coach couplings to the design of Chris Pendleton.


        In particular:

        1) do they work?

        2) do they produce permanently coupled rakes?

        3) are they easy to assemble / fit to bachmann bogie vehicles.


        Thanks in anticipation.




      • #247781
        Bob Allison


          Chris wrote about them in detail in MRJ 200 (I think).  I can check and confirm if you are interested.


        • #247782
          Bob Allison

            PS:  hell will freeze over before Chris and Dave collaborate to produce something that doesn’t work.

          • #247783
            Michael Clifford

              Thanks Bob,


              There is an account of them in MRJ 200 apparently, although it doesn’t obviously appear in the index accessible on-line.

              If you have an electronic version of the article that would be very helpful.  I haven’t been able to locate a back issue so far.





            • #247799
              Bob Allison


                It’s definitely MRJ200, under the heading “An express train for the main line ……”.  I think posting a copy of the article here would be a breach of copyright so I won’t do that, but if you let me have contact details maybe I can help.

                A thought: Chris P wanted to push long rakes of P4 carriages with sprung suspension through reverse curves, so the boxhead coupling is a moderately complex solution to a very challenging problem.  I have used a very simple hook and bar system which achieves the same result for un-sprung stock in EM Gauge if you are interested.  Only drawback is that splitting the rake requires one end of the carriage to be lifted off the track by 10mm or so.



              • #247800
                Michael Clifford

                  Thanks Bob,


                  I have managed to locate a copy of MRJ 200 and it is on its way.  I will have a look at that and then decide what to do, but appreciate your help and would like to know more of your hook and bar system.  I am cobtactable at

                  My impression is that the device on the Bachmann bogies intended to prevent buffer locking on small radius curves is a significant part of the problem.

                  Have you retained the original bogies?





                • #247830
                  Bob Allison

                    Hi Mike.

                    Not ignoring your request for more info, but been rather busy these last few days. I’ll post photos and a sketch as soon as I can.


                  • #247868

                      Hi Mike,

                      I’m not sure if this helps or hinders, and I’m not sure why you are especially interested in Chris Pendlenton’s couplings, but have you considered Masokits and/or Dingham couplings.

                      I use Masokits for fixed rakes of coaches, and they give a good representation of the vac & steam pipes which improves the looks. Slightly fiddly to assemble, but once you’ve done one or two, you soon get the hang of them.

                      Dingham’s are similar in principle, and slightly more fiddly, designed more for auto-uncoupling (with magnets) if you need that.



                    • #247869
                      Michael Clifford

                        Thanks Paul,


                        I will have another look at Masokits before making a decision.  The problem I have is derailment in the middle of the rake when propelling around a 4′ radius curve, especially when up a gradient.


                        The combined load twists adjacent bogies on two coaches and lifts them off the track.



                      • #247871

                          OK then Mike, neither of my suggestions are really ideal for propelling stock, especially round sharp curves.  Are you having these problems with using tension locks at present?

                          I suspect the issue may be that you are using couplings attached to the bogies, rather than the coach bodies.  You could verify this perhaps by removing all couplings, and trying to push the coaches with just their corridor connections in contact.  If this works, you could look at fitting some flexible corridor connections, such as those from MJT or Keen Systems, so the coach corridor connections are kept in permanent contact, and take the load when propelling. Most coupling systems should then work with them provided they aren’t taking the load when the stock is being pushed.

                          If I remember, Chris P. developed his coupling system as he had particularly tricky reverse curves to propel through.



                        • #247874
                          Michael Clifford

                            Hello Paul,

                            Unless I’ve overlooked something the Masokits items are for gangwayed stock and I’m concerned primarilly with non-gangwayed parcels stock, but thanks for the suggestion




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