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    • #240118
      Richard Spratt

        Is there a way of viewing this forum so that the topics are sorted in order of when they were last added to, similar to View New Content on RMWeb?

      • #240129
        Trade Officer

          Hi Richard

          Yes it can be. I guess it is a case of asking the current forum contributors if that would be a preferable way of doing it. It will universal and can’t be based on individual preferences.

          It may be possible to have a clickable link that will take you to different page with the the top, say 20 or 30 by date. That will need some investigation, and hence some time. I will have a think about it over the next few weeks


        • #240132
          Paul Willis

            Or a button for “Unread Posts”?

            That view would be most useful to those of us used to other forums.  It means that it is easy to identify what has been added since the last visit.


            Paul Willis

          • #240133
            Richard Spratt

              Paul I agree

            • #240134
              Trade Officer

                Indicating forums and topics with unread posts is actually a seeting I have found.

                I have implemented this. Unread items are shown with “!” next to them. I can change that going forward – it happens to be the default so a quick solution

                Unfortunately as it has just been switched on it has no previous record so you will see all topics and forums showing as being unread until you go into them again



              • #240135
                Paul Willis

                  Hi John,

                  Thanks for switching that on.  It’s certainly helpful.

                  Yes, it will take a time to plough down all the past cul-de-sacs to eliminate the false positives.  It should only need to be done once though 🙂

                  Whilst you were exploring the forum software, did you find an “unread posts” view?  Something like this?



                • #240138
                  Paul Willis

                    Thanks for adding the “Mark all topics read” button.

                    That was really useful 🙂



                  • #240181
                    Trade Officer

                      I didn’t find an unread posts list. It is obviously possible but may need bespoke programming to implement something like it. An investigation for the new year.



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