Reply To: LBSCR C2/C2X

Members Forum Scratch Building Locos LBSCR C2/C2X Reply To: LBSCR C2/C2X

Paul Tomlinson

    Hi Nigel. To pick up on the points you raised, I’d agree that the best plan is to model a prototype for which you have a clear photograph – for LNER J69’s, for example, there’s a seemingly endless number of combinations of different buffers, chimneys, cab roofs, safety valves, wide and narrow tanks, wheel spokes…. Locomotives Illustrated no. 64 features, among others, the C2/C2X, Mike Morant has published a few of the C2/C2X online –

    I believe that the “X” in C2X denotes a larger diameter boiler –

    Alan Gibson uses 1/8″ as standard for loco axles – though he does do other diameters in his “conversion” sets, to match whatever the RTR manufacturer used. Must be a bit of a nightmare for him… I’m pretty sure he uses 2mm for bogie and tender wheels.

    I too like CSB as a means of suspension.

    All the best.