Reply To: Trade Matters

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Trade Officer

    @Ken Belbin said:
    Kean Maygib Insulated Pickup Plungers, Item 4550.
    I purchased a pack of these from EMGS trade. When received they looked beautifully engineered items for self assembly. Unfortunately I found this impossible. The instructions came on a scrap of paper with no picture, had at least one mistake and so were difficult to follow. I think that I finally understood how the items were supposed to be assembled but found it impossible as the internal dimensions of the insulator were too small to accept any of the components which were supposed to pass through it. I put a question on another forum and received one reply which basically said to bin the items as no-one could ever make them work. I am sure that there others in the society who have experience of this component and perhaps their advice should be sought but from my experience this product has no place in the EMGS Price List.  

    Over the next few days I will endeavour to open a pack from the stores and check them