Reply To: Layouts from the past

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Alan Durham

    Garsdale Road!  Yes that was very much one that I pored over in the magazines for periods of time.  Although I have a liking for that little branch line aka the Southern, although I appreciate any “good” layout wharever scale and era, it just so happened that those two southern ones sprang immediately to mind.  I remember as a teenager seeing the layout Midhants by the Winchester modellers in RM and being blown away by it, I was absolutely thrilled when the club I was in at the time secured for its 1979 exhibition.  I do have a particular liking for smaller layouts and large ones can sometimes leave me cold but that said to prove my point that I appreciate all types of layouts, another 2 favourites were Chee Tor and Biggleswade.  I seem to recall that a group from Maidenhead I  the 80s had quite an extensive layout of industrial background, do I remember correctly in seeing a beautifully weathered Western complete with faded paintwork?