EMGS Store

Many of the items needed for modellers working in EM and P4 are available from the EMGS Trade Officer. While many of the items are obtainable from other sources, the Society has actively designed and produced specific items which are not available elsewhere. The aim has been to provide a sort of ‘one stop shop’ as a service to EMGS members. The range includes many items for baseboard construction, track, loco conversion parts, rolling stock parts, couplings, and various other parts.

Parts for making track include items needed for a variety of methods. They include copperclad and wood sleeper strip, rail chairs and both flatbottom and bullhead rail. Many patterns are included. Jigs for filing and setting up crossing Vs are also available. The Society supplies track and point templates for members to use.

Click on the link below to see what the store has to offer.

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  • Sat
    Stannington Village Hall, Main Street, Stannington, NE61 6EL