Alan Gibson wheels/axles

Members Forum RTR Conversions Rollling Stock Alan Gibson wheels/axles

  • This topic has 9 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 months ago by Andrew McIntosh.
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    • #247197
      Andrew McIntosh

        I’m fairly new to EM and have been re-wheeling some BR 12t vans with Alan Gibson wheelsets. I must say I’m disappointed with the quality of these. Compared to the lovely metal free-running wheels and axles fitted to the Bachmann models, they seem very cheap. I’ve had problems getting them to run well (lots of wobble and chafing, and that’s after reaming and filing of axle boxes/brake shoes, etc.) and there’s a lot of variation in back-to-back measurement, too.

        After more frustration last night, I refitted the OO wheels on one of the vans, ran it along a piece of OO track, and what a difference. It’s tempted me to go back to OO gauge – so much less hassle – except I’ve become used to the look of EM track. Have others experienced the same, and are there any replacement axle/wheel options in EM that rival the quality of RTR OO wheelsets?

      • #247198
        Paul Tomlinson

          Andrew, as a fairly recent returnee to EM, I posed the same question – John in the EMGS Stores recently listed some Kean-Maygib metal wheels, but they were sadly out of stock. In the stores there are some metal wheels from DCC Concepts, which might fit the bill. I too would be grateful to hear of different sources.

          Alternatively, could you re-gauge the 00 wheels by pulling them out, or by substituting a new axle for the original?

          I am positive there is a solution out there.

        • #247199
          Andrew McIntosh

            Hi Paul – the DCC Concepts wheels are excellent quality, lovely all-metal construction and perfectly gauged; I’ve fitted them to a MK1 coach and a CCT. Unfortunately I don’t think there’s a a holed variety for freight stock. Though if they do a set in the right size, perhaps that’s a compromise I could overlook.

            I’ve not heard of Keen Maygib wheels – would be interesting to see how they compare

          • #247200
            Paul Tomlinson

              This past Newsletter feature is interesting :


              John told me that Accurascale would require a minimum order of 4000 wheelsets in order to put them into production, which is a great shame.

              • #247201
                Andrew McIntosh

                  That is interesting – Accurascale’s replacement wheelsets for their locos are excellent, so I’m sure those for stock would be good, too.

                  I did consisder simply moving the RTR wheels outwards on their axles, but with there’s just not enough room on these particualr models, so you need the finer wheels.

              • #247207
                Stuart Firth

                  Your comments are interesting as I’ve been using Gibson wagon wheels for donkeys years and never had any problems. Well, OK, you need to make sure the tyres are properly on the centre, and I always check the B2B before installation. Also there is sometimes a moulding pip on the back that needs shaving off. Just prep work really, and then they are superb. The appearance is also so much better than RTR. I think if you are new to EM this fiddling and fitting is something you need to get used to, loco kits being a classic example. Stuff produced by cottage industry is unlikely to ever be ‘fit and forget’ in the same way as expensive mass produced stuff. Please don’t let me put you off – all this is fun!

                  • #247208
                    Andrew McIntosh

                      You’re right, of course, in terms of overall appearance. Looking at my OO track next to the EM I’ve already laid (and compared to pretty much every photo in any book), it’s now impossible for me to ‘unsee’ the narrow gauge of OO. And the EM wheels are so much finer. I don’t think I can go back…

                      I’m going to have another go with some different (still Gibson) wheelsets. My concern is the punishment my poor little van chassis are taking with all this fitting/removing/fettling of wheels!

                  • #247235
                    Bob Allison


                      Have you tried cutting or filing a small V into the back of the axleguard, from the axle bearing downwards?  You can then replace wheelsets with less strain on the chassis.  Especially useful, essential even, with coach bogies.


                      • #247257
                        Andrew McIntosh

                          Thanks, Bob – I’ll give that a go.

                      • #247239
                        Paul Tomlinson

                          In 7mm, I tend to use Markits rolling stock wheels, which are cast metal with a small insulating bush. I notice that Roxey Mouldings sell a 4mm version from the same maker, gauged to 00, and I wonder if anyone has successfully used them by sliding them out to EM? They are supplied on a 26mm pinpoint axle, but I’m afraid I know nothing about the flange profile, nor the tread width (which does look a bit on the generous side).


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