SCALEL LINK loco driving wheels

Members Forum RTR Conversions Locos SCALEL LINK loco driving wheels

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by John Cutler.
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    • #240668
      Ray Byde

        While searching for suitable drivers for a GWR 2721 open cab pannier tank I came accross Scale Link loco wheels, on the South Eastern Finecast website. To all intents and purposes they are similar to the well known Romford / Markits RP25 profile self quartering wheels with square axle ends.

        Has anybody got any experience of using these wheels on an EM gauge loco? Are they to the Society approved profile?
        Bearing in mind that at the moment Ultrascale are not taking any orders for wheels, if these SCALE LINK wheels are suitable for EM, it would be good if they were made more widely known about.

        (The GWR 2721 pannier tank has 4′, 71/2″ wheels with 16 spokes – most GWR pannier tanks had wheels with14 spokes, which are available from Gibson.)

      • #240819
        John Cutler

          I knew nothing about these!
          So thanks for publicising.

          The SE Finecast website only has details on their price list, so far as I can fathom.
          I recommend any prospective buyer goes to the Scale Link website where pictures are available.

          I asked Scale Link for more info and here is their response:

          “As for our driving wheels, the 12mm/13mm have a 3mm crankthrow – all others have a 4mm throw.

          All of our wheels are all to RP25 standards.

          They are available in 1mm increments from 12mm to 16mm and 18mm to 26mm.

          They are all ABS centred and we have a de-insulator etch available which operates on the back of the wheels..

          kind regards,
          the Scale Link Team,
          Bob Wyatt “

          RP25 are not to the EM standard profile but not far off it.
          I and others use RP25 wheels for EM without too much trouble.
          However Joe Brook-Smith did not approve!

          I hope this helps.

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