Rebuilding a K’s GWR 1361 0-6-0ST

Members Forum Kit Building Locos Rebuilding a K’s GWR 1361 0-6-0ST

  • This topic has 19 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago by Stuart Firth.
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    • #245468
      Stuart Firth

        I can’t seem to leave old K’s kits alone at the moment. My current build is this old ebay specimen which has received a new chassis and some details. As it has reached the stage where it runs it seems appropriate to post a photo. I won’t be describing the build in detail as the loco has a thread on RMWeb, but this link will take you there:




      • #245472
        Paul Tomlinson

          Stuart, thanks for posting. For a number of reasons I tend not to frequent RMWeb, so I hope you’ll pop the odd photo on here for us to enjoy. I have a fondness for some of the old kits, probably nostalgia creeping in. Cheers.

        • #245475
          Stuart Firth

            Thanks Paul. I will post some pictures when progress is made in that case! I get a strange fascination from messing with old kits, even though they are frequently frustrating.

          • #245562
            Nick Ridgway

              Good stuff, Stuart. Keep it rolling!

            • #245583
              Nigel Burbidge


                I do love, and remain in awe of your skills in resurrecting old kits in this way.  It does go to show there is a more economical (and often more satisfying) way of progressing in this hobby than many of the ‘box acquirers’ can imagine.


              • #245587
                Stuart Firth

                  Thank you both. Something of a modelling hiatus at present, too much going on, but I will return to this as soon as I can!

                • #245668
                  Stuart Firth

                    Still made no progress but here’s some pics of the chassis – a CSP etch from their kit. The boiler and firebox sides have been added to it to allow the motor and gearbox to be hidden away and give a boiler with daylight underneath. High Level 90:1 gearbox and a cheap motor from China courtesy of ebay. It is 5 pole skew wound and runs very nicely albeit speedily, hence the 90:1 ratio!


                  • #245670
                    Paul Tomlinson

                      Looking good. In the latest MRJ there’s a Manning Wardle where the builder has incorporated a similar boiler/firebox onto the frames, which seems a sensible thing to do. Handy place to secure the motor. I find views of the pickup arrangements interesting as it gives food for thought, so cheers. Looking at the whitemetal body, I’d like to mention that I’ve been quite pleased using rivet transfers. On my (7mm) build, I lost the etched-on rivets on the smokebox, and replaced them with transfers. You can just about see the carrier film, but not too bad. Mine were from Archer, but Railtec now do a large selection.


                    • #245674
                      Stuart Firth

                        They look superb – frankly I’m hoping to get away with it, but we’ll see once the primer is on.

                      • #247623
                        Stuart Firth

                          Slow progress, but the body is nearly ready! Gibson safety valve and smokebox door handle have been added, some other details too.



                          • #247624
                            Paul Tomlinson

                              Stuart, that’s looking very good. One thing that strikes me is how the overall look is just “right”, capturing the character of the prototype. A credit to the pattern-maker, and builder! Cheers.

                          • #247632
                            Nigel Burbidge

                              I’ll second that! Looking at that photo you wouldn’t believe it is a resurrected K’s kit!


                            • #247748
                              Douglas Firth

                                Hi Stuart,

                                You have done a fine job. If not told of the backgroung I would have thought that you were the first builder of the kit. It makes me think that I should rebuild my own 2nd hand version. It was built by the late Ted Thoday from West Australia  and the chassis is a superb runner but the body has suffered over the years. I gave it a quick tart up and use it as a spare.


                                Douglas Firth.

                              • #247784
                                Stuart Firth

                                  Thanks everyone, it has been a bit of a grind but there is great satisfaction in bringing something back from the dead!

                                • #247835
                                  Stuart Firth

                                    There at last, excepting number plates, to be ordered, lamps, ordered, and vac pipes, forgot!


                                  • #247837
                                    Paul Tomlinson

                                      Stuart, that lovely loco looks very much at home. Thanks for posting.

                                    • #247844
                                      Nick Ridgway

                                        Another good one, Stuart! I just want to know if it will go round that right-angled elbow of track between the buildings at Saltport.

                                        • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by Nick Ridgway.
                                        • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by Nick Ridgway.
                                        • #247914
                                          Stuart Firth

                                            Yes, and no – goes in but derails coming out. Perhaps because of the fixed rear axle.

                                        • #247856
                                          Stuart Firth

                                            We can try, as long as the Shedmaster at Birkenhead doesn’t get to hear about it !

                                            Before anyone pipes up that they didn’t have any of these at Birkenhead, well, they did in my version of reality. In the 1970’s, they also snapped up some class 07 diesels that Southampton docks didn’t want any more…

                                          • #247858
                                            Nigel Burbidge


                                              That looks lovely and just shows how, with some TLC and skill, it is possible to resurrect these kits and make them absolutely at home on a finescale layout.  Respect to you!


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