EMGS Questionnaire

Members Forum Prototype Matters EMGS Questionnaire

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    • #240659
      Alan Rhodes

        Any chance of an electronic version?

      • #240799
        Paul Willis

          @Alan Rhodes said:
          Any chance of an electronic version?

          I think the fact that there wasn’t one speaks volumes in itself…

          The question “is it because you don’t have a computer?” is not looking to understand the *future* membership of model railway societies.

          A more relevant question for today would be “Do you access the EMGS website on PC/laptop, tablet or smartphone?”.

          Anecdote: about six years ago, the then Scalefour Society Chairman stated in a Committee meeting that the future working model should be that all Society services should be available on the internet. Because anyone [back then] who didn’t use the internet was cutting themselves off from cheap travel, the best insurance deals, online shopping, etc, etc. Admittedly, he was only seventy years old at the time of saying this…

          Paul Willis

        • #240800
          Andy Cooper

            Paul you are spot on with that first statement.

            The depth of understanding on matters IT is also given away with the question about wanting the manual sheets on CD ROM – my PC is a good 5 years old and did not come with a CD ROM as standard from Dell!

            Seriously though, I’m not sure what useful data the answers to these questions is going to produce, its all very basic and makes me think what next? Whats it all going to prove? Whats a valid sample in terms of how many responses are obtained compared to the number of members?

            I’m going to fill it in and return it to Karl, but have a slight feeling of why am I bothering. There’s a lot which could be improved, particularly around events, but to my mind this is not the way to go about starting any revitalisation of the society, if indeed what this is about.

          • #240801
            Paul Willis

              @Andy Cooper said:
              Paul you are spot on with that first statement.

              The depth of understanding on matters IT is also given away with the question about wanting the manual sheets on CD ROM – my PC is a good 5 years old and did not come with a CD ROM as standard from Dell!


              I didn’t think about the CD-ROM aspect. I automatically ticked the box for download. When I have a cheap data allowance on my phone, and EU roaming, I don’t even need broadband. I could access publications anywhere I am (although it does remind me, I do need to download the latest Newsletter from the website).

              But you’re correct. The last two laptops I’ve personally bought haven’t had CD drives. The next will be an ultrabook, with minimal ports and I’ll be making much more use of Dropbox to transfer files. Or a USB key if I need to hand something over.

              I do have blank CDs, and a writer, but those exist solely for sending material to the Model Railway Journal for publication. And we all know a song about that, don’t we children?


            • #240824
              Dai Davies

                @Alan Rhodes said:
                Any chance of an electronic version?

                Does anybody know how many forms were returned, hard copy or electronic?

              • #240825
                Paul Willis

                  @David Davies said:

                  Does anybody know how many forms were returned, hard copy or electronic?  

                  I don’t believe that the ever was an electronic version.

                  Perhaps there will be some sort of summary in the next Newsletter, which must be due out soon.


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