
Members Forum Miscellaneous Coffee Lounge Bankers!!

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    • #244354
      Richard Simpson

        On reading the newsletter I was appalled by the disgraceful and arrogant behaviour of Barclays towards the society.

        The entire scenario strikes me as being completely crazy.  Did Barclays really intend that in the case of EMGS bankruptcy they would write to all 1500 members and demand £1 from each of them?  Surely they would spend more than £1500 on envelopes and postage, particularly when the overseas members are taken into account!

        I also can’t understand the urgency of their request with just one week to respond or lose our account.  The “£1 rule” has clearly existed for many years and they can surely see for themselves that we are solvent.

        Given the above, I very much hope that the board will give serious consideration to taking our custom to a different bank!

      • #244371
        Nick Ridgway

          It’s nonsense, of course. Though procedurally, given the organisation is a company limited by guarantee, that is exactly what it could do in the event of insolvency.

          Nonsense is one of the reasons a family member put Barclays Bank in the rear view mirror.

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