Reply To: EMGS Crossing Jigs

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John Simpson

    Actually chaps there may almost be a misunderstanding here so just clarify:

    The information is available on line and it has been available online since Nick very kindly wrote the Manual Sheet. It has not been published in paper format because it is a single sided Manual Sheet add-on page. Nick did advise at the time of the discussion that he was  – when he had time – going to produce a similar table for (IIRC) M&GNR switches. His paper was one of a number of reasons I introduced the new Category – “Approved awaiting printing” – specifically to get information out to people instead of having to wait on follow-on sheets before going out to print. Tough on those unwilling to use the website but better it is out and visible to 75% than it sit around in the pending tray.

    If it was a Technical Paper – it would still be available on line but under the Technical Papers category. As the previous 8 or 10 tables Nick produced are in Manual Sheets then logically  I would still look to publishing it  as additional pages to the existing Manual Sheet(, when the next table is produced.

    Two possibly unspoken (unanswered?) questions in all this

    – You wonder why wait? – One of the major constraints we have is that printing, packaging and posting costs a bomb – we get no reduction if we only print one side; we are charged per sheet i.e. it costs the same for 2 sides as one, and generally we only have capacity for 2 sheets for Manual Sheets (I emphasise sheets not sides) per newsletter. I therefore give give priority to double-sided Manual Sheets to get full value; but rest assured, when Nick (sorry to pressure you Nick !!) produces the next table – it will probably top of the list to go out in paper format.

    2nd unspoken question – why not wrap it into the Manual Sheet now – answer human frailty  – simply to ensure it does not get forgotten by me, or the Newsletter Editor who arranges the printing,  and of course to keep the unspoken pressure on Nick 🙂 !!

    Hope that helps…….

    Regards John Simpson