Reply To: Strategy and expoEM

Members Forum Miscellaneous Coffee Lounge Strategy and expoEM Reply To: Strategy and expoEM

William Wyatt-Millington

    As the current chairman of the EMGS I would like to thank the people who have added to this thread. There is quite a bit to take in and the Board are in the process of discussing the future of the expo shows. However we are approaching the time of the AGM and there will be a new Chairman elected at the meeting. I firmly believe that the review of expo’s and their arrangement should be a major topic of discussion in the New Year by the new Board.

    In talking to the exhibition manager for expoEM Spring all the layouts are already booked. It should be noted that there is a long lead time for the booking of layouts may get a number of invitations and the earlier you get in an invite the more likely you are to get the layouts you want for a particular year.

    On a completely different topic I did a SWOT analysis some year sago when I was first asked about becoming Chairman. A major threat I identified at the time was the quality of RTR stock. At the time EM and P4 came into being the quality of RTR was dire and the only way to get a reasonable representation of a railway scene was to kit build or scratch build. These days a reasonable representation of railway scene can be built using RTR stock from the various manufacturers, and the number of manufacturers seems to be increasing on a year-by-year basis. I know there will be readers of this post who will violently disagree with me, but I have had the privilege of operating two Finescale-OO layouts built by Shipley Model Railway Society.