Reply To: Whither the Chairman?

Members Forum Miscellaneous Coffee Lounge Whither the Chairman? Reply To: Whither the Chairman?

Paul Tomlinson

    I think Tony H. (above) makes two valid points. There will probably only be a small proportion of the membership likely to contribute – in the Gauge 0 Guild I would estimate that only about 5% of members post on their forum with any frequency. We do compare poorly, however, with Paul W’s Scalefour Society, which does have an established and well-supported forum. Does adopting P4/S4 require a greater modelling input, which might generate a greater thirst for guidance?

    I think Tony’s second point hits the nail on the head. A number of established EM modellers will have already created a presence and following on other forums – there may not be much incentive to replicate their output on here as well? Like Tony, I have only (re)joined the EMGS relatively recently, so might be more inclined to visit here than the old hands.

    To encourage greater uptake, I’d like to see more product-based content (what’s available from the Trade) and lots of photos from EMGS events. An extension to the printed Newsletter with no space constraints and the ability to interact. Cheers.