Reply To: Sticking hornblocks: where to adjust?

Members Forum Kit Building Loco Chassis Sticking hornblocks: where to adjust? Reply To: Sticking hornblocks: where to adjust?

Ben Weiner

    To talk further about springs, removable fixed axles, and so on, a little more background would help. Are you going to compensate or CSB it?

    I have two fascinating Mike Sharman books I was given not so long ago but, but… I would like to see if I can achieve CSB. It looks as if it might be simpler. Is that reasonable? And yes there is provision for compensation and for CSB fixings. I think originally the chassis kit was accompanied by dedicated motorising and compensating kits.

    And for the drop-out wheels question, what type (manufacturer) of wheels are you thinking of using?

    Talking of Mike Sharman, he produced wheels suitable for this loco. I have a set bought at the same date as the kit (which is in its Iain Rice afterlife guise, from London Road Models) I had fairly strong recollections from my first round of EM in the early 1990s as a young teenager that Sharman wheels no longer existed at that date, but hey ho, seems they hung around a couple of decades longer.

    A consequence of this kit being produced by Iain Rice is having his writing style in the instructions. A classic line in the ‘erratum’ section: ‘One day I’ll get a kit 100% right – but until then – sorry!’
