Reply To: Code 82 track gauges

Members Forum Track Scratch building track Code 82 track gauges Reply To: Code 82 track gauges

Guy Molyneux

    Hi Tom,

    The first question is, which manufacturer’s code 82 rail are you trying to use? Most gauges are designed for a 0.9mm rail head width. C&L code 82 is 0.8mm but Peco is 0.9mm so you will get ‘slop’ with C&L but not with Peco. Sadly Peco Code 82 is currently unavailable.

    The closest available that will work with the commercial gauges is the EMGS Code 83 rail (unless you happen to have stocks of Peco Code 82). Peco Code 83 is also available but suffers the same problem as C&L (the head is 0.8mm and is sloppy in the gauges).

    It’s topical that you post about this as I am seeing what I can do to get Peco’s Code 82 resurrected given that nothing else is really easily useable for hand made fine-scale flat-bottomed track at the moment.

    It’s not all about the rail height (aka the ‘code’ you mention). Head width and foot width/height are all equally important in constructing fine scale flat bottomed track with jigs.



    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Guy Molyneux.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Guy Molyneux.