Reply To: Check chair EM (0.8mm flangeway) – 4mm (100) C&L FineScale

Members Forum Track Scratch building track Check chair EM (0.8mm flangeway) – 4mm (100) C&L FineScale Reply To: Check chair EM (0.8mm flangeway) – 4mm (100) C&L FineScale

Julian Gascoyne

    Thanks for the replies.

    I’m encouraged that a couple of people report using these with success. I would really like to use them in preference to chopping up normal chairs.

    At the moment I am in the middle of building half a dozen turnouts with the 0.8mm flangeway. So I need to decide if I am going to continue with these or rebuild them with a 1.0mm flangeway. I have run my one and only EM loco through the only finished turnout with mixed results. Sometimes it is ok, sometimes it catches at the knuckle. This seems to depend on the starting position of the wheel so I suspect a varable b2b, maybe caused by a wheel not being on square. As suggested I checked the b2b of the loco and yes it is a shade under (about 16.45). The loco runs ok on my existing shunting plank with 1.0mm flangeway so I guess the conclusion is that you can use 0.8 check chairs, but the resulting track will be more sensitive to the b2b being correct and the wheels being on square.