Reply To: New EMGS track & turnout questions

Members Forum Track Scratch building track New EMGS track & turnout questions Reply To: New EMGS track & turnout questions

Nick Ridgway

    I’m looking forward to getting some 12in scale hands onto them. Note that there are commercial reasons for selecting the junction geometry. A word or two of caution: the Haynes Manual for a standard class 4 2-6-4T in 12in scale would put a minimum radius of 4.5 chains “dead slow” on it and this is the radius for the B&6 geometry selected for these products. Further, there is no prospect of getting 2 of these to form a crossover at standard double-track centres and expecting a pair of Mk.1 coaches to propel through without buffer-locking; one heritage railway tried to do this with 1 in 6 1/2 crossings and found it necessary to relay the crossover with a pair of 8 crossings. For that reason, one will not usually find a crossover in 12in scale on passenger-carrying any wider than 8 and wherever possible 1 in 13 is laid-in new these days.

    So there is still scope for the finescale modeller to hand-build track.

    Regardess, the new developments are most welcome.

    I’ve just taken delivery of the new PECO buffer stop to go with the new EM gauge track and once I’ve built one I’ll clatter-up some words and pictures for the Newsletter. Is there a directory of shapes of these things other than the old Mike’s Models catalogues?