Reply To: Markits wheels

Members Forum RTR Conversions Locos Markits wheels Reply To: Markits wheels

Paul Willis

    @Nick Ridgway said:
    That is one of the most bizarre Customer Care initiatives ever.  

    So the extremely long-running thread on RMWeb dealing with C&L track supplies for every possible permutation of business model and way of dealing with customers!

    As has been pointed out there, this model actually makes a lot of sense when a business is a one-man band, as it allows time away from answering one/email to actually make the product, pack the product, send the package, and process the finances. One of the problems that Phil at C&L was suffering from was time being spent as a “helpline” with potential customers ringing up and taking thirty minutes in a conversation about track, without actually making a purchase.

    If it helps Markits (or C&L) sell more product to us modellers, and so stay in business, I see it as a minor inconvenience compared to the alternatives.
