Reply To: EMGS Questionnaire

Members Forum Prototype Matters EMGS Questionnaire Reply To: EMGS Questionnaire

Paul Willis

    @Alan Rhodes said:
    Any chance of an electronic version?

    I think the fact that there wasn’t one speaks volumes in itself…

    The question “is it because you don’t have a computer?” is not looking to understand the *future* membership of model railway societies.

    A more relevant question for today would be “Do you access the EMGS website on PC/laptop, tablet or smartphone?”.

    Anecdote: about six years ago, the then Scalefour Society Chairman stated in a Committee meeting that the future working model should be that all Society services should be available on the internet. Because anyone [back then] who didn’t use the internet was cutting themselves off from cheap travel, the best insurance deals, online shopping, etc, etc. Admittedly, he was only seventy years old at the time of saying this…

    Paul Willis