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    Morning Neil, Russel & Stuart,
    I am using Nickel silver rail bought from the club. It looks OK to be honest, slightly yellow compared to plain steel but nowhere near as yellow as Peco. If it’s to be weathered it will be fine, I think.
    I chose N/silver after Stuart’s comment that track cleaning in a covered dock scene is tricky without damaging the ‘concrete’ colouring.
    It does appear the track is Nickel plated brass not steel.
    The complex area of the layout is coming along now, scratch building the turnout switch mechanism was really time consuming, but I think I’ve cracked it.
    I have laid in some check rails, at .8mm, but won’t do anymore until I have run a relevant loco rolling chassis through it to satisfy myself before I commit to carrying on.
    Problem there is I have no rolling stock….