EMGS RTR turnout data?

Members Forum Track EMGS RTR Track and Points EMGS RTR turnout data?

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    • #244550
      Dave Harris


        Is there anything like a data sheet for these?

        I’ve had no luck finding anything in the Web site.

        Best regards


      • #244582

          Not quite sure what you are after. Contact me to discuss. You have my details.

          Steve Young

        • #244599

            Thanks Dave. As discussed and I will speak with the Manual Sheet Editor and advise.
            Steve Young

          • #244630
            Frank Davies

              Hi Dave,

              Welcome to the EMGS.

              Do you have any knowledge of the Templot application, or do you know someone who does?  You can readily print off a B6 template in EM using that Freeware product.


              • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Frank Davies.
            • #244633
              Paul Tomlinson

                The length of the RTR point corresponds to the standard EMPLAN, the sleeper spacing is a bit out. Instructions on wiring and point operation come with the point itself. They’re the reason I rejoined the EMGS. Hope to see a single slip introduced.





              • #244636

                  Society templates are available from this website. You will find them in the ‘Members Area’ where it is the last item in the list – ‘Track Standards’. This was the initial design that the EMGS R-T-R points were based on. Any slight amendments were made to fit in with the manufacturers ability to build them at a reasonable price. Hence their standards for height of sleepers, the colour of the actual mouldings and the ‘Electrofrog’ wiring. If the points and trackwork had been designed from a ‘clean sheet’ and didn’t use the manufacturers existing criteria then the price would have been considerably higher to manufacture and hence for the Society to sell. In fact might even have not been viable.

                  You must remember that the whole concept was to encourage people to go EM. The sales of the track and points has been good and one day we will actually be able to recoup the cost of the design work and mould manufacturing.

                  Newsletter 219 from January 2019 gives an insight into the trackwork and shows track dimensions and pictures of the points. These were the initial samples received from the manufacturer. Minor amendments were made prior to signing the contract.  Note that the colours were the test samples.
                  (all Newsletters from 165 are on the website – I know as I initially loaded the lot on the last site!!!)

                  The Trade Officer John Wragg has a board with C&L and EMGS track with EMGS and British Finescale points all connected. If you happen to be at any of the Society events then take a look at it. Quite impressive.

                  Since the introduction of our own R-T-R track and points British Finescale have introduced EM kits.These are A5 and B7 points, a B7 Diamond and a B7 double slip.  These compliment those from the EMGS and both ranges are available from our Stores.

                  Steve Young – EMGS Newsletter Editor

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