Brushes for motor commutation

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    • #244194
      Nick Ridgway

        Please will someone publish a link to a source of carbon brushes for open frame motors other than the X-04 and its offspring? The types in the Manual data sheets, perhaps?

        I have inherited a motor that needs them and a search has produced nothing so far.

      • #244314
        Nick Ridgway

          Update: I stripped the motor in question and extended the brush springs a little. Put it back together and everything works properly.

          I’m still curious though:

          • I can replace brushes from the Tri-ang X-04 and its Airfix and MW005 derivatives, not that I have many of these motors left, from available spares. This is a simple task.
          • The small can motors give no clue as to brush replacement; the motors are probably throw-away-and-replace when it becomes necessary – unless some dear Reader can advise otherwise.

          The challenge is to obtain components to replace the cylindrical carbon brushes that are sprung onto the commutator using tiny coil springs inside the cylindrical part of the brush holder – motors like the D11, D13, smaller Mashima and Hanozono open frame ones.

          Surely one doesn’t have to have various diameters and grades of propelling pencil “leads” and cut them to suit? Is that material even suitable? If so, what grades?

          Where does one go for ready-made parts, please?

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Nick Ridgway.
        • #244317
          Stuart Firth

            Nick I got some from somewhere once, for a DS10, but it was about 25 years ago. In my mind I can see a note that Roy Lowe wrote with the name of the supplier on. I will have a look for it – I don’t throw much away !

          • #244323
            Paul Tomlinson

              Branchlines list spare brushes and springs for Mashima and Hanazono motors. It might be worth dropping them a line?

            • #244349
              Stuart Firth

                Found that note in an old tobacco tin with some BA taps. It’s the Model Railway Doctor but although they now have a website it says they are closed until further notice…

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