Midland Railway transfers

Members Forum Painting and Weathering Midland Railway transfers

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    • #244170
      Alan Gee

        I need 4mm Midland Railway crests and large MR for a new model. I have looked on Fox and Model Master sites who do not seem to do these transfers,  Are there any other suppliers you could tell me about,

        Also what are the best Midland crimson paint for spraying and what colour of undercoat is recommended. The loco is scratch built in brass. I prefer oil based paints,

        kind regards

        Alan Gee

      • #244187
        Stuart Firth

          Hi Midland loco decals have been produced by HMRS but are currently listed as Out of Stock – not much use I know !

        • #244193
          Nick Ridgway

            Ping an address to ennjayar (at) gmail dot com and I’ll post some to you.

          • #244196
            Nick Ridgway

              On the way.

            • #244197
              Nick Ridgway

                There isn’t a “best” colour. Perceived colour depends on a lot of factors not least of which is the colour of the illumination. Tungsten light is short of greens, blues and violet. Daylight has plenty of blue. Fluorescent light is strong in green. Paint viewed as a model will look different from the same paint viewed at 12” scale. Surface gloss is prominent on the real thing and, as it is a surface phenomenon, will look far too shiny in 4mm scale. Further, the thickness of the paint varies by a factor of 76. Crimson red pigments are fairly translucent, so go model paint one will find it bulked-up with blue pigment so that the same effect is had with a thinner coat.

                I try not to go overboard on the pursuit of accuracy. After all, the prototype is not fitted with 12Vdc electric motors, phosphor bronze pickups and a worm-drive gearbox.

                Think theatre. Suspend disbelief. We’re creating an illusion based on reality.

                • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Nick Ridgway.
              • #244203
                Alan Gee

                  Hello Nick,

                  I asked about colour as last time I spray painted a loco in Midland Red it looked more pink than crimson. I used flat white undercoat on brass then railmatch 610 LMS crimson lake. I was wondering if I used a light grey undercoat and a different source of crimson paint I would get a much deeper result.

                  Thanks again for the kind offer of transfers.



                • #244208
                  Nick Ridgway

                    Glad they arrived.

                  • #244212
                    Stuart Firth

                      Wasn’t British Leyland Damask Red meant to bbe a good match? You won’t get it from Halfords any more but a car paint place could mix you some

                    • #244256
                      Alan Gee

                        Just a note to thank you all for the postings.

                        Kind regards

                        Alan Gee

                      • #244651
                        Lez Zahra

                          British Leyland Damask Red is my rattle can of choice. Getting them is now a problem but as mentioned above you can get it mixed from a car sprayers. Railmatch enamel do a bottle of crimson lake that’s quite a good match as well. That’s all I’ve got mate.

                          Regards Lez.Z.

                        • #244753
                          Paul Willis

                            I asked about colour as last time I spray painted a loco in Midland Red it looked more pink than crimson. I used flat white undercoat on brass then railmatch 610 LMS crimson lake. I was wondering if I used a light grey undercoat and a different source of crimson paint I would get a much deeper result.

                            Morning!  I had to wait until I was back home before replying to this.  That’s because I could access my Midland Railway reference books for confirmation of what I suspected.

                            Changing the colour of the top coat won’t give much of an improved result, if any.  What you need to do is follow the prototype, and use a red oxide undercoat.  All reds are very translucent, and the colour of the undercoat greatly affects them.  It’s the same for vermillion for buffer beams as well.

                            The earliest Midland paint specification that Essery quotes is from 1891, and details (in summary):

                            • two coats of Oxide
                            • two coats of Oxide and Lake
                            • three coats of varnish

                            Hope that this inspires you to try it differently next time.





                          • #244760
                            Nick Ridgway

                              I wonder if the completed loco will appear on the test track at ExpoEM?🤔

                            • #244762
                              Alan Gee

                                Hello Nick,

                                Unfortunately the EM gauge test track would be of very little use for this locomotive. Although I have been a member of our Society for many years my passion is the 3ft Irish narrow gauge in 4mm scale therefore running on 12mm track.

                                The locomotive I am currently modelling is a Ballymena and Larne 2-4-2 compound tank locomotive made by Beyer Peacock. The Midland Railway purchased the B&L with other Irish lines and incorporated them all into the Northern Counties Committee. When the LMS took over the B&L locomotives were repainted in the old Midland Railway Livery and that is how I hope paint my model with the Midland crest and small NCC lettering.

                                I enclose a picture of progress to date.

                                Thanking everybody for their postings.

                                Alan GeeB&L 2-4-2 tank in Midland Red Livery



                              • #245004
                                Steve Young

                                  Might be a bit late, but have just been advised by their Publicity Officer that most of the HMRS transfers are now back in stock. I’ve not looked myself, so no shooting me as I’m just the messenger.

                                  Steve Young EMGS Newsletter Editor.

                                • #245302
                                  Alan Gee


                                    I just thought members may like to see the finished Ballymena and Larne 2-4-2 compound tank. Paints used from Phoenix Precision P980 red oxide and P350  MR crimson lake. many thanks to all members who contributed to my request for help,

                                    kind regards

                                    Alan Gee

                                  • #245324
                                    Nick Ridgway

                                      I’d like to see them when they appear. 🙂                .



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