Workshop Wise (South) at Portsmouth

Members Forum RTR Conversions Locos Workshop Wise (South) at Portsmouth

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    • #240661
      Raymond Hodson


        Please see our next South Hants Area Group event

        Please can I send you some paper leaflets for your members/notice board. If yes name and address, please email or phone me.

        Workshop Wise (South) 2018

        A new event presented by the South Hants Area Group
        The South Hants MRC clubrooms
        Saturday 14th July 10.30am 4.30pm
        Fort Widley, Portsdown Hill Road,
        Portsmouth, PO6 3LS (one mile from M27 / A3 M Junction)
        A day of practical modelling and demonstrations from EMGS and Scalefour members of the South Hants Area Group and other friends also 2 layouts on show, Hope Under Dinmore and the first showing of EASTWOOD now a large circular S4 Layout for visitors to look at.
        Confirmation and full details to follow. SO SAVE THE DAY
        For more details see http://localhost/emgsold/events/society-events/ and/or


        Ray Hodson
        07710 501 511

      • #240805
        Paul Willis

          A quick bump, as it’s just over a week away from this event :-)

          Roger Sawyer’s Soldering demonstrations are always hands-on and extremely popular. Why not come and have a go?

          I’m hoping to be there. I’ll be easy to spot, as having flown in from a business trip I’ll be the shambling one with the red eyes!

          Do come and say hello.
          Paul Willis
          EMGS Member 10060

        • #240806
          Raymond Hodson

            Hi only five more days to workshop wise, as the show organiser I’m not panicking! I hope to have many visitors come and see us in Portsmouth at the weekend for more information see the websites .

            Just a couple of notes for those coming to the show

            1. We have no catering facilities, so we will only provide hot and cold drinks. The venue is very close to a pub that serves food and as Portsdown Hill is a visitor attraction where you can view the Solent there are a number of roadside cafe’s (That is burger and Ice Cream vans) if you so desire. We suggest you bring your own food.

            2. This event is taking part in the South Hants model railway club club rooms, unfortunately these are in an old fort and are down a set of 22 steps, there is no lift or are other access. I hope this is not too much for people wanting to come.

            3. Parking might be a little bit of a problem if we have a large attendance. We will have access to some overflow parking in the grounds inside the fort on the grass please follow the signs if you need to park. We will put somebody outside with a high viz vest on to guide you.

            Come on join us we have 12 experienced demonstrators and two quality layouts for you to see.

            Ray Hodson

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