Jamieson Barton-Wright 0-6-0

Members Forum Kit Building Locos Jamieson Barton-Wright 0-6-0

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    • #239643
      Stuart Firth

        Well I’ve finally lost the plot and bought this old Jamieson kit from ebay. Jamieson kits crop up quite regularly but I have never seen the L&Y class 25 before – I didn’t know they ever made it. It looks like great fun to build (!) but what I need first is information – does anyone know if drawings for this loco have ever featured in one of the magazines? I have a fairly extensive collection so if it’s out there I may well have it. Incidentally the sharing of drawings etc. strikes me as something that this forum may prove very useful for, not on-line of course for copyright reasons – I may start another conversation!



      • #239648
        Alan Durham

          Wow that looks like quite a challenge, that would be way beyond my skills and abilities.  How long would you expect the build time to be on this?  I work at a very pedestrian pace and that’s on kits that are far simpler than this appears to me.  I look forward to seeing your progress.

        • #239649
          Trade Officer

            There a list of drawings that are on the EMGS CD. This is now on the website under the members area. You may find a reference in there.


          • #239650
            Stuart Firth

              John – many thanks I’ll have a look.

              Alan – an interesting question, as I’ve never considered this before, probably because for me, the journey is perhaps more important than the destination. I’ve done a few scratchbuilds and I would say perhaps 6 months if I apply myself, but then I normally only get a few spare hours at the weekend. I wouldn’t think that this particular kit would shave a lot of time off of that, because you only get the basic sheet metal work, and that is actually the quickest and easiest part of a build – the devil’s in the detail ! I will certainly describe the build here but it’s not at the front of the queue yet.

            • #239651
              Stuart Firth

                That’s me all over – searching the ‘net for a magazine drawings index and there’s a superb one on our very own website !

                The one I’m after is possibly in June/July 1992 Modellers Backtrack – does anyone have a copy?

                Thank you



                • #239710
                  Peter Rigby

                    The June/July 1992 edition of Modellers’ Back Track, of which I have a copy, contains a short article, including photos and drawings of the Aspinall ‘A’ class (Class 27), rather than the earlier Barton-Wright design. As stated in the Drawings Index in the Members’ Area.

                    You could turn to ‘L&YR Locomotives’ pp31-35, written, like the MBT article, by Barry Lane. This contains both drawings and photographs, including tender detail differences with variations according to the original builder, whether the L&Y Miles Platting works or private firms such as Sharp Stewart, Vulcan, Kitson or Beyer Peacock.

                    If you’d like to take a look you can contact me using the contact details given in the IFC of the Newsletter.



                • #239654
                  Trade Officer

                    Unfortunately the list has not been updated for a number of years. It is something I am keen to get going again as i have searched for drawings in the past
                    I am happy to update the list if members can send me the information
                    Loco Drawing


                  • #239711
                    Stuart Firth

                      Thanks Peter – I did wonder if it was the correct loco in that article.

                      I think I remember reading that only the final batch avoided conversion to saddle tank, and since my layout is set in 1947 I will have to base it on one of these.

                      Thank you for the offer – I will be in touch…


                    • #240551
                      Stuart Firth

                        I should add here that Peter kindly scanned me over a set of drawings together with information on all the detail differences between the batches. A success for the Forum! I’ve also been tentatively looking for a suitable prototype. Now however commences the long slow phase where I accumulate all the parts I need to make a start, and maybe consider riveting those tender sides, where there will be no room for error, unless I fancy making another one…

                      • #240552
                        Peter Rigby

                          No problem Stuart; I’m pleased to have been of help and I look forward to seeing how the build progresses.


                        • #242389
                          Stuart Firth

                            As I homed in on a suitable prototype still running in 1947, I found one that had managed to retain its original Beyer, Peacock works plates on the splashers, so a set had to be ordered from Narrow Planet. There will be no polished brass on this one though – the loco. was pretty filthy!

                            Forgive the photo – these are only 6mm across.


                          • #242540
                            Nick Ridgway

                              The obvious person to ask is Ray Hodson, in SHAG. I won’t be publishing his phone number without his say-so.

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