A quick introduction

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    • #239282

        Looking a bit sparse on here so I thought I’d make a contribution.

        Now I’ve been retired for three years or so, I was a prototype fitter at Ford Mo Co, preparing instrumentation for development vehicle testing, it’s time to indulge myself and build a model railway.

        I grew up on the Hamble River and recall watching the trains as the wound themselves along the river bank from Bursledon, back in the early 60’s. That was the inspiration to build a layout. That said, I’ve actually planned a modest layout based on Southampton docks. I have made a plan on Templot and built a modular baseboard. I’ve also had a one-day lesson in turnout building by a EMGS member. So, ready to lay some track. Well, no, before I start just need to get a handle on building the ‘covered’ dockside section with copper clad sleepers.

        Any pointers there would be appreciated.

        All the best


      • #239284
        Stuart Firth

          Hi Paul – any chance of  a picture of your Templot plan?

        • #239288

            OK, not sure if this will work…..

          • #239289

              Nope didn’t like that…

            • #239290

                OK, let’s try this…

              • #239292

                  OK, so this is just a screen shot of the Templot file. Tried to convert it to different formats without success.

                  So this an interpretation of the track at the Ocean terminal. The track off to the right will join to a loop in the future if I ever finish this bit. Same with the track off to the bottom that will be the marshalling yard and the rest of the terminal to the right.

                  Funny but looking at the screen shot it looks so simple, but it’s feels like it’s taken me a life time to do it.

                • #239293

                    A couple of crabbie shots, a mock up of the terminal to help me visualize the layout, its hard to to appreciate the look on a computer screen.

                    The second is just a screen shot from Youtube. Give some atmosphere and life to the layout.

                  • #239296
                    Trade Officer

                      Hi Paul

                      Just to say welcome to the forum.

                      Forums generally don’t permit uploading files that in theory can “hide” malware but I am glad you found a way round the problem to illustrate your proposed layout


                    • #239297

                        Hi John,

                        Templot will convert to an image file, which I guess would work better than a screenshot. Its not as straight forward to do as the .dxf file though.


                      • #239303
                        Stuart Firth

                          That’s going to look incredible.

                        • #239564
                          Russell Davies

                            Hi Paul,

                            Looking forward to how that progresses. I’m addicted to complicated track and docksides.

                            I’m a few years in to Barnstaple Junction and Ilfracombe but did do a Templot plan for Kingston Wharf at Shoreham a while back.

                            Here’s a link to my efforts on RMweb,


                            Russell Davies

                          • #239606

                              Hi Russell,


                              Although I’ve spent many hours on the layout, I’ve not made much physical progress, it just been ground work and learning so far. Hopefully over the next few weeks I can actually make a start on laying some track.

                              Funny you should mention Barnstable, I never been there in my life until now,  been there twice in October for two unconnected reasons, one was to cycle the Tarka Trail which was a fantastic experience.

                              So, Looking at your photos, aspects of your layout are very much similar to what I have in mind, the 3 way turnout and the full length check rails. Be interested to know how you got on with assembling that.


                            • #239625
                              Russell Davies

                                Hi Paul

                                I worked up the plan in Templot, I didn’t bother trying to convert all the frogs/common crossings just left it as rails overlapping. For the check rails I used the Society check rail gauge constantly checking with a long wheelbase vehicle, a Parkside BY. Clearances are a bit tight, it turns out, for older Romford wheels.

                                Good luck with project.

                              • #239926
                                Neil Docherty

                                  You haven’t mentioned what type of track your planning to use; nickel silver or steel. I recently started a small end to end EM gauge layout; first time ever building track. First simple point took me a few (!!!) hours but worked beautifully with short wheel-base scratch built wagons.

                                  Using steel track but, regardless of how many say its easy to solder, I wish I had used nickel silver. Doing similar to you as also using PCB sleepers. Thought crossings would be difficult but amazed that with gauges making points is easier that I thought. One thing I have noticed is that regardless of how accurate I am I get both points and plan track tightening up after a few months (any one able to help?).


                                  • #239929
                                    John Cutler

                                      Neil, before you get too carried away, please test your new trackwork with an 0-6-0 loco. My first couple of C&L turnouts were fine with short-wheelbase wagons, but misbehaved with anything bigger!

                                      If you are successfully using steel, I am not sure you should convert to nickel-silver rail. I believe (but could be wrong) that the co-efficient of expansion of steel is less than nickel-silver. So tightening up of trackwork and large expansion gaps should be less of an issue with steel. Iain Rice recommends steel and suggests that traction is better steel to steel.
                                      Personally I avoid steel despite its better appearance. I find it difficult to cut/file/solder and invariably rust appears. The biggest issue is that pick-up from steel rails to steel tyres (Alan Gibson or Markits) is less efficient than from nickel-silver to steel. Ultrascale nickel-silver tyres are an answer but one that is expensive with long order lead-times and a limited range of wheels. Long-term (but hopefully soon) the answer to this is battery power.

                                      One thing I would love to see is rust-coloured nickel-silver rail with a polished top. Just think of how much fiddly painting this would avoid. Coloured steel is a possibility but I do not think its surface is conductive.

                                      I too have an issue with tightening up, and also with expansion gap widening (OK my track is awful!). Rather than pursue it here, I have started a new topic in the Track section of the forum.

                                  • #239927
                                    Stuart Firth

                                      Next time I need to build track, whenever that may be, I am interested to try the ‘Hi-Nickel’ variety supplied by Karlgarin Models, which they say looks more like steel.

                                    • #239930

                                        Morning Neil, Russel & Stuart,
                                        I am using Nickel silver rail bought from the club. It looks OK to be honest, slightly yellow compared to plain steel but nowhere near as yellow as Peco. If it’s to be weathered it will be fine, I think.
                                        I chose N/silver after Stuart’s comment that track cleaning in a covered dock scene is tricky without damaging the ‘concrete’ colouring.
                                        It does appear the track is Nickel plated brass not steel.
                                        The complex area of the layout is coming along now, scratch building the turnout switch mechanism was really time consuming, but I think I’ve cracked it.
                                        I have laid in some check rails, at .8mm, but won’t do anymore until I have run a relevant loco rolling chassis through it to satisfy myself before I commit to carrying on.
                                        Problem there is I have no rolling stock….

                                      • #240067

                                          Morning All,

                                          Thank you to Stuart for coming up with a perfect rolling chassis last night.

                                          I did try it on the small section of track with .8mm check rail and all seemed well, very pleased. Next along the line I have a 3 way tandem turnout with a minimum radius of 18”, so that may need easing out, we’ll see.

                                          So, anyway, for now I can crack on with the track laying. Happy days….

                                        • #241936
                                          Dave Harris



                                            Dave Harris (Andover) here, an EM nubie, just joined.

                                            My interests are railways, model railways and electronics(MERG).

                                            I have been involved with or built my own layouts over many years.

                                            . 0 tin plate in early 60s

                                            . TT BR(S) in 60s

                                            A gap for birds bikes n beer until 80s…

                                            . N gauge BR modern

                                            . 2mm FS club layout BR(S) ‘Alresford’ exhibited for many years, retired.

                                            . 2mm FS club layout ‘Bognor’.

                                            . 0 gauge fine BR(S) ‘HW Yard’ joint venture, exhibited for many years, retired.

                                            . TT DB(c2000) ‘Rhineside’ joint venture, exhibited for many years, now retired.

                                            . H0 DB(c2000) ‘Faller Stadt’ single handed, 5 yrs now, nearly complete.


                                          • #241938
                                            Stuart Firth

                                              <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi Dave what are your plans in EM ?</p>

                                            • #241939
                                              Dave Harris

                                                Hi Stuart

                                                I have an idea for an 8ft scenic BR(S) through secondary line with 2BIL/2HAL/2H/M7+PP/700+freight and a couple of sidings.And somehow weave an FCS bus into it.

                                                But only once I have Faller Stadt finished.  🙂


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