
Members Forum Miscellaneous Trade Matters Wheels

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    • #238981
      Trade Officer

        I have received samples of DCC wheels. They are all disc type wheels and have a pickup on the axle for coach lighting etc. Below are pictures of the various sizes. The 14mm and 12mm have the same the same centre profile.

        I am trying to judge the interest in these. If there is sufficient interest I will get  an initial small amount of stock and see how they go.

        I still have to check the tyre profile but initial examination show it to be suitable for EM



        • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Trade Officer.
        • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Trade Officer.
        • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Trade Officer.
        • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Trade Officer.
      • #240539
        Michael Whitchurch


          Hmmm, seems a bit of a dead thread, but;

          I would be interested in the DCC wheelsets, they are what I currently use for BR Mk1 and Mk2 coaches, and in conjunction with Mr Wizards bogie etches give a coach which runs forever when pushed round the train set by hand.

          The only criticism I can make is that they don’t have the holes in them, but if that bothers you then they can always be drilled, but when weathered and whizzing round hidden behind a sideframe it’s not noticeable.

          Also, the 10.5mm version are a straight drop in to the new Oxford Pilchard wagon, OK, 0.5mm oversize, but what is an inch and a half between friends, and as the Oxford bogie seems to be made from a hard plastic, yet again give a freewheeling wagon.

          Mike. 04070.





        • #240540
          Trade Officer

            I was talking to Richard Brighton from DCC concepts at the Doncaster Show about wheels. I have a number of sets that I am going to put in the stores to see how they go. That will be later this week.


          • #241679
            Richard Stevenson

              I have used these wheels on Hornby Pullman brake thirds of both 8-wheel and 12-wheel varieties. The spaces occupied by the Hornby pickup strips for the lighting were required to accommodate Alex Jackson couplings. The tail of the pickup spring on the DCC wheelsets is near to one wheel, well clear of the AJ coupling, thus allowing the retention of working lights. A hole was drilled in the bogie frame above the axle. The tail was passed through and soldered to a wire on top of the frame. This prevents the tails from playing havoc with pointwork etc. while not creating friction by restraining them unduly. The Hornby wire passes through the bogie pivot. A further hole was required near the pivot to allow this wire to pass up through the frame and make connection with the new pickup arrangements. These Pullmans formed part of the “Bournemouth Belle” set on “Swaynton” when exhibited at Alexandra Palace in March.

            • #244738
              Martin Jones

                Have also used these wheels on EM conversions for Heljan 26/27/33, which I am highly satisfied with!

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